Thursday, August 9, 2012

By Ralph Steele

When you're deciding on a traffic source for your web business, you can either choose free traffic (which isn't really free), or you can buy advertising. But today, we'll be addressing the paid version: Pay per Click or PPC advertising. PPC has attracted millions of marketers over the years with the lure of instant traffic that is highly targeted. The basic idea is pretty simple because you only pay when someone clicks on your ads. When your ad gets clicked, that traffic still must be converted to a sale somewhere down the line. Actually, there's a lot to it, and it's not as simplistic as it may seem. It has become fairly involved for many reasons, and some of those have to do with the high competition. You'll find lots of experienced marketers who have made, and continue to make, incredible incomes with PPC. Of course there are risks, and of course you can lose a lot of money if you're not careful. So you need to have some education about it, proper research, and planning so you don't lose your shirt and can actually make money. We can help you get started off on the right track, though, in your ppc campaigns.

It's important to write honest PPC ads; misleading people will not help you. Some internet marketers are tempted to write misleading ads simply to get more click throughs, but this is a mistake. You can't lie in your ads and show an offer that does not exist. After people click on your ad, they will soon find out that you weren't being honest with them. While your click through rate may increase by doing this, your conversion rate will be poor. You will end up with frustrated visitors who will click away from your site never to return.

Just because your ad has a high placement doesn't mean it will get lots of clicks. You have to create an ad that motivates your prospective customers to want to find out more. It should get the viewer interested and lead to a click. People will pass by your ad if it's dull or uninteresting. Your ad should also be honest and relevant. If your ad copy promises something that does not exist on your landing page, your visitors will not trust you and you will lose them.

In order to get a high quality score for your ads, you should make sure that the keywords you're targeting and ad copy should relate. Besides this, you should also have your landing page relate to your ad and keywords. Having relevant ads and landing pages is good for your business as well as your quality score, as people don't want to land on a page that is not related to the ad they clicked on.

Over the years, pay per click has gone through many changes in rules and policies. If you want to profit at the PPC game, it's essential to keep up with any changes in policy that may affect how you do business.

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