Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Unblock a Drain

By Sofia Esper

Sooner or later, the drain in your bathroom or bedroom will be blocked.It can be expected as long as you are taking showers, washing clothes, doing laundry or washing your hair.The drain will get clogged over time.On each and every day you can find gunk flowing down the drain.Most of the time there are not any problems. However, other times everything will cease from flowing.This will happen eventually.It happens gradually.

On the other hand, there are plenty of times in which emergencies crop up because of little mishaps that occur. Remember the time that you dropped your favorite bracelet down the drain?Who can forget the time when your son accidentally flushed his toy soldiers down the toilet?

When you have a blocked drain, you have a few choices that can be made.You can get it out yourself or hire a professional plumber.The average person hates the idea of hiring a plumber.Every time that something goes wrong with the plumbing, you start adding up all of the money that you will have to dish out.Unfortunately, plumbers have a reputation of being very pricey.

Which is really the case if an emergency plumbers is required.However, if you don't want to dish out money for a plumber, use one of the following methods for a simple blocked drain.

The Multitasking Coat Hanger

Through the years, people have used the wire coat hanger for tasks that it was never intended for.People have used it to get better reception for the television.It can also be utilized as an inexpensive tool to unclog your pipes.There is a natural S curve in most pipes.If you bend a coat hanger just right, you can get it to go partially down the pipe and clear out the gunk that is clogging up your drain.It will work its way through that gunk and make it possible for water to flow through again.This is a method that will work on simple clogs.

Making Use of the Bathroom Plunger

However, you might have to try something a little different.You might get a clog that needs something stronger to get rid of it.Use a plunger to clear away the debris.Pour some drain remover down your pipes.Let it sit for a moment so that the chemical will dissolve the build up in the drain.Then continue to push down with the plunger until the drain is free.

Either of these two methods should clear your drain in no time.Most importantly, they will save you money.The advantage of using them is that you will not have to call a plumber.

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