Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Children Friendly Holidays We All Enjoy Every Year

By Wendy Shand

We have many holidays that we all celebrate through the year and most of these are children friendly holidays. Once we become adults we no longer need the idea of Santa Claus or the the Easter bunny. That is why these holidays are for our children. Of course we can enjoy them as well but they are mostly for the kids. Our kids can even learn very important lessons from holidays.

The life lessons are kids are learning from a holiday like Christmas is that it is much better to give than it is to receive. Most children do not grasp this concept until later in life but a few learn this lesson while still very young. It is a great blessing to know that your child has learned this lesson at a young age.

Christmas is probably one of the most kid friendly holidays that we celebrate. Our children wake up on Christmas morning and rush to the Christmas tree to start opening gifts and digging through their stocking full of goodies. Easter is another favorite holiday for children. Kids love getting to dye Easter eggs and then have an Easter egg hunt. They get to dress up in their nicest clothes and get their Easter baskets the Easter bunny left behind for them.

The whole family can enjoy Easter together. Watching your children as they race around trying to find all the hidden Easter eggs is an amazing sight. That is an innocent and pure moment in your child's life. Now we move on to yet another child friendly holiday which would be Halloween. Kids love to pick out their costumes and get dressed up as someone or something different. Trick or treating is also a lot of fun for the kids but as parents we must be careful. There are people in this world that would hurt our children if they had the chance. We have to supervise them closely on this holiday.

When treat or treating be sure to stay in a neighborhood where you know the neighbors. Churches are even starting to have trunk or treats where kids go around to different cars in a church parking lot and get candy from the members of the church.

This is much safer than walking dark streets with your children at night and asking strangers for candy. We tell our children to never take candy from a stranger and to never go to a strangers home but on Halloween we make an exception, why is that?

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that kids celebrate. It is a Holiday that last for eight straight days and nights. The children get a gift on each night. They celebrate this holiday by lighting a hanukkiyah, and it is lit every night for the entire eight nights. During this holiday Jewish children play a game called dreidel.

They also feast on fried foods during the holiday because this holiday is to celebrate the miracle of oil. So as you see there are many different types of children friendly holidays. As parents we have to do our part to make sure that the kids have a great holiday. Even when we can not give much in the way of gifts we can still do other things to make it a special holiday. Most kids would agree that Hanukkah and Christmas are their favorite holiday.

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