Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Do The Best Affiliate Programs Work?

By Francisco Rodriguez

To find the best affiliate programs on the web for you, you will need to know exactly what you are looking for.

Based on my past experience, I would recommend that you look for the best affiliate program that sells a high priced product that is also fast moving. The advantage of a high priced affiliate product should be obvious. It is the fact that even if the affiliate commission percentage is low, you'll still end up earning some generous amount of money from each sale made as a result of a referral from you.

How does it work? A typical affiliate program is based on getting sales, so it doesn't matter how many link-back to the company's website you have on your site or how many impressions or arbitrary click through you get, only the amount of actual sales you generate from your links will get you the commissions.

Just to give you an example of a product that falls into this category, take content sites for instance. There is a very high demand for good content online. And if the writers at the site selling content also understand search engine optimization (SEO) then it means that purchasing articles at such a site will almost be the same as purchasing SEO services. This is yet another service that has a pretty high demand online.

When you see a product that looks like a winner, have a look at the website or the sales page for this product. Well-written, compelling copy Verification logos, company logos and seals of approval from the BBB, etc. A phone number and other contact information (don't trust a company which gives no phone number) Few if any distractions (this increases conversions)

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