Saturday, April 25, 2009

5 Reasons To Consider Internet Video Conferencing

By Caressa Waechter

Known by several different names, such as online or web based video conferencing, Internet video conferencing is really coming into its own. With the advances in technology, it is becoming a preferred means of communication by businesses of all sizes. Following are some of the top benefits of using these services:

* Operate more efficiently - By meeting via an online video conference you can eliminate a bunch of business travel that really wastes time and reduces your efficiency. Save time by meeting using online video with customers and colleagues that are located far away.

* Reduces expenses - Physical meetings entails numerous expenditures, including plane tickets, hotel accommodations, and travel allowances. If a physical conference needs to be extended, a company faces high overhead expenses. With online video conferencing, thousands of dollars can be saved.

* Happier customers - When you have clients and customers that are located far away from your business, it is difficult to keep in touch with them without traveling. When you utilize an online video conference service to meet online with your important customers, they are extremely happy with the personalized service you can provide them.

* Happy and healthy workers - A worker that is not traveling all over the country, or world, is generally happier and healthier. Your business should see an increase in productivity if your employees are not jetting all over the place, but holding meetings from their offices.

* Greening of your company - The environment is something that is on the top of many people's minds these days. By reducing travel through the use of online conferencing, you are being an environmentally conscience company, which makes you stand out to customers.

The above five major benefits of online video conferencing all lead towards higher productivity. A company becomes more efficient because the time spent waiting in airport layovers can be used more usefully. A company becomes more competitive because the funds used in paying plane tickets and hotels can be used for expansion and improvement of services.

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