Sunday, June 24, 2012

Video Blogs - How To Create Killer Videos And Market Them Effectively

By Amparo Dillon

If you really want to make a website that your audience will grow to love, creating video blogs is the way to go. Creating videos is fun! There is very little you can do wrong, but you still need to adhere to a few simple guidelines. The flexibility you have when creating a video blog is what we mean by "wiggle room" or latitude. Creating great videos means that you have to use solid marketing principles when creating the actual content for the video itself. Providing the best content that you can is what you need to do when shooting your videos. In reality, video content is just as important as written content. This is a misperception that some people tend to have. As a general rule, videos can be full of great content, sometimes even more so than an article on the web. Now let's look at some great ways to create valuable video blogs for your vlog - let's begin!

Video blogs are maybe not as popular as some thought they would be years ago. Many people believe that creating a video blog will be much too difficult. There is a trick you should learn from others, especially if this is your first time making videos. All you have to do is find other video bloggers and learn from their techniques. Your personality should be bigger than life when you do vlogs or video blogs. So totally avoid copying what they do or their design because sooner or later someone will bust you. When someone does this, they can look very bad in front of their audience - that's why you want to avoid this at all costs.

Every video that you shoot should consciously try to make eye contact with your viewers. This can be beneficial in many ways. All you have to do to accomplish this is look into the video camera itself while filming. You need to do this. It is so very important to make eye contact with every video you make. There is no need to be shy when doing videos, and you should always look into the camera, never look away. If you are avoiding eye contact, it will have the same affect that it does in real life. You will basically create a sense of distrust, in the same exact way you would in real life doing the same thing.

There are many meaningless articles on the Internet, some of which seem to go on forever! The same thing can happen in a video, and you should not get motor mouth because you're suddenly doing videos. Wasting your audience's time is something you never want to do. You need to use the same rules for writing that you do when shooting your videos for your blog. If you need to, write out a script and make it concise but relaxed. You will sound robotic if you memorize the script so avoid memorization. It will take a little bit of time, but in the end, you will become good at doing this. But this is easy stuff and you can do it and all will be well.

Video blogs are very easy to do, especially after you get the first one under your belt. Remember that doing something new is always going to be hard the first time, just like making your first website. You basically made improvements as you made your next blog or website. That's how this process works. You can become a pro at video blogging by doing the same type of thing.

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