Sunday, January 3, 2010

Important Article Marketing Help - Everything You Need To Know To Get Started

By John Farcikan

Getting started with article marketing is actually very easy but it can be time consuming and frustrating for people who are not quite familiar with exactly how it works. Article marketing help follows in this article so if you are not familiar with it, or you just need to brush up and your skills a little bit, hopefully there will be a few tips in this article which you will find helpful.

Firstly, if you are not familiar with article marketing, it basically revolves around, you guessed it, writing articles which you then submit to them article directories including online magazines and such. It is completely free, but there are paid services available which will automatically submit your articles to thousands of online directories.

Those who are serious about article marketing and search engine optimisation would do well to use one of these paid services as submitting them all manually is quite obviously an impossible task.

Your goal is simple. Somebody will read your article, since they will be in the top of the search engine results as they will be on popular article directories. When somebody reads your article, hopefully they will be interested enough to click on the link in a resource box to your website. That is what you should be aiming for.

Contrary to what many people might think, the articles you write do need to be of high quality. They need to be original and at should go without saying. However, there is no need to spend a great deal of time on them but you should know your field anyway so you shouldn't have any difficulty in writing about the subject.

When writing, make sure that you provide some useful and helpful information but always bear in mind that this is basically a teaser, ultimately prompting the reader to click on the link to your website. The link to your website should be in your resource box, and this is a very important part which should not be underestimated.

Write your resource box carefully and plan this out. Even I will only be a short paragraph, it is by far the most important part of your article marketing campaign, since this includes basic information about yourself in order to build up trust between you and the reader and have crawl supply a link to your website for those who want to find out more.

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