Thursday, July 30, 2015

New York Web Design Terminology To Know

By Arthur Williams

Like with any field, there is a certain lingo that's associated with New York web design. The words that you use, in said field, will possess a certain level of meaning and I am sure that others will be able to say the same. With that said, I think that it's most important for new designers to get a handle on this particular lingo and understand what it all means. If you keep the following points in mind, the work you create will become that much stronger.

Font - Whether you're familiar with New York web design or not, this term should be immediately recognizable. A font is a particular typeface that can be used to create digital work. You should also know that fonts can be adjusted so that they may be enlarged, shrunken, bolded, or what have you. There's variety to be seen here, without question, but it's vital to consider the implementation of different fonts for different projects. Download different types for more expansive resources.

Color Wheel - To say that color matters, in the field of New York web design, would be putting matters lightly. However, you have to ensure that different hues are paired off with one another, which is where the color wheel can come into effect. It's able to help different colors become matched with one another for smarter designs, be it in relation to primary, secondary, or tertiary shades. A tool such as this matters, to both experienced designers and reputable companies the likes of Avatar New York.

Saturation - When it comes to saturation, as it relates to color, you're going to want to look at intensity. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you were to use highlighters to keep track of notes in a textbook. The saturation of said highlighters would be high, and this type of logic can be applied to the creation of websites as well. Different projects will require particular levels of saturation, meaning that it's in your best interest to try different things and see what comes about.

Responsiveness - It's important to note that websites can be accessed through more than just computers. Many people have taken to using their smartphones and tablets in order to access websites, which means that designers must create work with responsiveness in mind. When this is done, not only will there be more appealing websites to the eye, but rankings are likely to remain as well. Suffice it to say, in this particular field, responsiveness matters.

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