There are a number of liquid health supplements like Mona vie on the market these days. Many of these companies have adopted multilevel marketing strategies as their distribution method. The viral nature of these businesses has them popping up all over the place.
There are some very obvious reasons why a company like Mona vie would go the multilevel marketing route. The nature of an MLM system provides incentives to sales people who work exclusively for commission. Not only do agents work to generate their own sales, they are encouraged to sign up new members meaning that the process of recruitment is shifted from the company its self to its volunteer distributors.
When you are thinking about joining an MLM network there are three things you should always look at. First is the product, second the manufacturer, and lastly any marketing strategy that might already be in place for the product, so how does Mona vie hold up to such scrutiny?
As far as the Mona vie product its self goes it does have some actual uses. It is made up of acai berries and other fruit juices in order to provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to its users. All of these things have shown to have health benefits, which means Mona vie is not just snake oil. However there is a lot of competition in the liquid health supplement business and that makes it hard for Mona vie to really stand out.
Now let us take a quick glance at Mona vie the company. Founded in 2004 Mona vie is in fact a relative new comer to the liquid health drink market. Some of their competition has been producing liquid health supplements for three times as long as them. In short the company its self does not have a lot of history.
Last, and least important, is the marketing strategy. Finding an MLM program with a solid marketing strategy that can be easily duplicated is always a plus, but Mona vie is not one of those programs. That does not mean it is impossible to succeed with Mona vie, it just makes it that much more important to understand how to effectively market.
Of course, success in Mona vie distribution is entirely possible in spite of all this. Mona vie is no different from any other multilevel marketing program. If you take the time to educate yourself on the right marketing techniques, and then put in the work required, you can grow your MLM business into a consistent source of income.
Anybody can succeed at multilevel marketing, whether the product they choose to back is Mona vie or something else. They just need the initiative to educate themselves on the marketing secrets that are being used by the most successful people in the MLM field.
There are some very obvious reasons why a company like Mona vie would go the multilevel marketing route. The nature of an MLM system provides incentives to sales people who work exclusively for commission. Not only do agents work to generate their own sales, they are encouraged to sign up new members meaning that the process of recruitment is shifted from the company its self to its volunteer distributors.
When you are thinking about joining an MLM network there are three things you should always look at. First is the product, second the manufacturer, and lastly any marketing strategy that might already be in place for the product, so how does Mona vie hold up to such scrutiny?
As far as the Mona vie product its self goes it does have some actual uses. It is made up of acai berries and other fruit juices in order to provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to its users. All of these things have shown to have health benefits, which means Mona vie is not just snake oil. However there is a lot of competition in the liquid health supplement business and that makes it hard for Mona vie to really stand out.
Now let us take a quick glance at Mona vie the company. Founded in 2004 Mona vie is in fact a relative new comer to the liquid health drink market. Some of their competition has been producing liquid health supplements for three times as long as them. In short the company its self does not have a lot of history.
Last, and least important, is the marketing strategy. Finding an MLM program with a solid marketing strategy that can be easily duplicated is always a plus, but Mona vie is not one of those programs. That does not mean it is impossible to succeed with Mona vie, it just makes it that much more important to understand how to effectively market.
Of course, success in Mona vie distribution is entirely possible in spite of all this. Mona vie is no different from any other multilevel marketing program. If you take the time to educate yourself on the right marketing techniques, and then put in the work required, you can grow your MLM business into a consistent source of income.
Anybody can succeed at multilevel marketing, whether the product they choose to back is Mona vie or something else. They just need the initiative to educate themselves on the marketing secrets that are being used by the most successful people in the MLM field.
About the Author:
Ellie Gant is the editor for Online MLM Secrets, a goldmine of actionable information and resources for everybody who is building an MLM Business. Take a look at the full-length, non-distributor review of Monavie over at the website. While you're there, be sure to claim your free immediate access to Jonathan Budd's 8 Day Mastermind Marketing Bootcamp, 100% free.
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