No matter if you rent or own your own place these days, you probably have carpets to tend for. This means you need to have some simple and practical knowledge on how to care for those carpets, lest you end up with some dirty floors. Whether it was your grandma who taught you her home cleaning remedies or you learned everything you know on the internet, some tricks and tips to keep those carpets clean for years to come is going to benefit you and your household.
It starts with common sense ideas on carpet care. What does this suggest? Regularly vacuuming the floors! Aim to give the vacuum cleaner a work out about once or twice a week. Go for consistently over quantity, as that's what matters in the long run over starting off strong but then stopping entirely.
Some basic knowledge on how to clean up stains is in order. Mixing warm water with a mild soap will give you a home made staining cleaning tool you can use for all sorts of different accidents. Always start cleaning a stay form the outer edges and then move towards the center, otherwise you may spread the stain out. When a stain is fresh, blot is gently for best results.
Last yet certainly not the least important factor in carpet care, be sure to get the carpets professionally cleaned. How often is this necessary? Hard to say, but aim to get it done on an annual basis and you'll be ahead of most everyone else! If you'd like to save some of your hard earned money, rent the equipment and take care of the job yourself. It's not hard, and will take just a few hours of time, most of which will be spent moving the furniture in and out of place!
Taking charge by following these tips, you will keep your carpets clean for years to come. It just takes vacuuming every week, knowing how to remove stains and keeping a cleaning solution nearby at all times, coupled with a professionally cleaning - preferably once a year.
It starts with common sense ideas on carpet care. What does this suggest? Regularly vacuuming the floors! Aim to give the vacuum cleaner a work out about once or twice a week. Go for consistently over quantity, as that's what matters in the long run over starting off strong but then stopping entirely.
Some basic knowledge on how to clean up stains is in order. Mixing warm water with a mild soap will give you a home made staining cleaning tool you can use for all sorts of different accidents. Always start cleaning a stay form the outer edges and then move towards the center, otherwise you may spread the stain out. When a stain is fresh, blot is gently for best results.
Last yet certainly not the least important factor in carpet care, be sure to get the carpets professionally cleaned. How often is this necessary? Hard to say, but aim to get it done on an annual basis and you'll be ahead of most everyone else! If you'd like to save some of your hard earned money, rent the equipment and take care of the job yourself. It's not hard, and will take just a few hours of time, most of which will be spent moving the furniture in and out of place!
Taking charge by following these tips, you will keep your carpets clean for years to come. It just takes vacuuming every week, knowing how to remove stains and keeping a cleaning solution nearby at all times, coupled with a professionally cleaning - preferably once a year.
About the Author:
Markus is cleaning guru who finds it to be great helping other homeowners simple carpet cleaning techniques. If you're in the area, stop by the Atlanta Carpet Cleaning Store for more information, resources, and techniques!
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