There are not many people who recognize how crucial it is to check your own credit before they apply for a new loan or other type of credit. Many times when a lender pulls a credit report there are all kinds of problems that the consumer was absolutely unaware of and didn't even know about.
It is projected that as many as 75% of all credit reports have imprecise or deceptive information. An individual can dispute the inaccurate information on their credit report and get it removed but they must be alert of it in order to do so.
People tend to think that in order to confirm credit report information, they need to have a reason to do it in the first place. Nevertheless, when it comes to your own report this is not true. With the increasing cases of identity theft and errors in reporting by numerous creditors, folks should consider checking credit report information often.
Even a trivial error on a credit report can radically influence the interest rate that you are offered. You can also be turned down for major purchases on cars or houses. Even insurance companies can turn you down if they consider you to be a credit risk. That is why it is so imperative to check your credit regularly.
There are many diverse entities that can request to check your credit information. Landlords, employers, utility companies, credit unions, hospitals, banks, finance companies, lawyers, the court and many, many more can request to query into your credit. However, it is vital to be aware that no one can query into your credit without obtaining your express agreement.
A person can confirm credit report information about their own credit activity by contacting any of the three major reporting agencies. The three agencies in the United States are Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The three reporting agencies do not trade information so in order to confirm all of the information that is accessible, it is needed to make contact with all three.
You can also take advantage of credit monitoring services. With these you can check the information from all three of the credit bureaus at one time. Not only will they allow you to check your credit but they can also set an alert that will let you know of any changes on your credit report.
It is your duty and responsibility to be concerned with your own credit report. If you are aware of the information you can take the needed steps to improve and repair your credit.
It is projected that as many as 75% of all credit reports have imprecise or deceptive information. An individual can dispute the inaccurate information on their credit report and get it removed but they must be alert of it in order to do so.
People tend to think that in order to confirm credit report information, they need to have a reason to do it in the first place. Nevertheless, when it comes to your own report this is not true. With the increasing cases of identity theft and errors in reporting by numerous creditors, folks should consider checking credit report information often.
Even a trivial error on a credit report can radically influence the interest rate that you are offered. You can also be turned down for major purchases on cars or houses. Even insurance companies can turn you down if they consider you to be a credit risk. That is why it is so imperative to check your credit regularly.
There are many diverse entities that can request to check your credit information. Landlords, employers, utility companies, credit unions, hospitals, banks, finance companies, lawyers, the court and many, many more can request to query into your credit. However, it is vital to be aware that no one can query into your credit without obtaining your express agreement.
A person can confirm credit report information about their own credit activity by contacting any of the three major reporting agencies. The three agencies in the United States are Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The three reporting agencies do not trade information so in order to confirm all of the information that is accessible, it is needed to make contact with all three.
You can also take advantage of credit monitoring services. With these you can check the information from all three of the credit bureaus at one time. Not only will they allow you to check your credit but they can also set an alert that will let you know of any changes on your credit report.
It is your duty and responsibility to be concerned with your own credit report. If you are aware of the information you can take the needed steps to improve and repair your credit.
About the Author:
Discover how to delete a judgment from your credit report or for credit repair strategies visit
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