People tell how they are making money with article marketing and no websites. That is enticing and it is possible if it is done well. However, these same people could make more money if they built their own assets online.
So lets talk about what online marketing assets you have. Do you know what they are? Can you identify them? If not, it is time to learn what they are and how to build them.
Your online marketing assets are websites that are controlled by you. Not a free site owned by someone else. Another online asset is your subscriber list. The credibility that follows owning a real website is what you need to brand yourself in a niche market.
When you have built your website on your domain, you have created an online asset. These assets increase in value when you begin to build links to them. That is the purpose of link building.
Another one of your assets is your good rankings with the search engines. That means you are getting free traffic to your income generating website.
Focusing on making money first, then building a business second, is one of the biggest online marketing mistakes. You need to create an infrastructure that builds these assets up continually by using an automated link building site in order to get authentic success like you often see on the sales pages.
If you don't think about your Internet marketing career as a business then you won't achieve your goals for a full-time work-at-home income. You won't see too many Internet marketing gurus or experts that don't have websites, domain names and subscriber lists.
Successful Internet marketers are well aware of how much work it takes to become established as an expert in their field. Real success comes from hard work and from being really good at one thing. Then you prove it to others. When you automate your list building and apply link building to support it enough to pay for itself, that is when you have a real business and online assets of substance.
So lets talk about what online marketing assets you have. Do you know what they are? Can you identify them? If not, it is time to learn what they are and how to build them.
Your online marketing assets are websites that are controlled by you. Not a free site owned by someone else. Another online asset is your subscriber list. The credibility that follows owning a real website is what you need to brand yourself in a niche market.
When you have built your website on your domain, you have created an online asset. These assets increase in value when you begin to build links to them. That is the purpose of link building.
Another one of your assets is your good rankings with the search engines. That means you are getting free traffic to your income generating website.
Focusing on making money first, then building a business second, is one of the biggest online marketing mistakes. You need to create an infrastructure that builds these assets up continually by using an automated link building site in order to get authentic success like you often see on the sales pages.
If you don't think about your Internet marketing career as a business then you won't achieve your goals for a full-time work-at-home income. You won't see too many Internet marketing gurus or experts that don't have websites, domain names and subscriber lists.
Successful Internet marketers are well aware of how much work it takes to become established as an expert in their field. Real success comes from hard work and from being really good at one thing. Then you prove it to others. When you automate your list building and apply link building to support it enough to pay for itself, that is when you have a real business and online assets of substance.
About the Author:
Daniel McGonagle's videos are a great way to start learning how to build your infrastructure Internet marketing guide can help you get started with building your online assets and infrastructure with video training.
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