Cuban cigars are extremely desired, renowned worldwide for their ample flavors and smoothness. Cuban cigars are so treasured, in fact, that many criminal traders have traded fake cubans to unaware cigar smokers, so how do you tell the fake from the real thing? To protect yourself from forking over your money for a box of counterfeit cigars, make sure that you are purchasing your cigars from a established and trustworthy business, such as your local tobacconist shop.
If you ever have the opportunity to buy a box of supposed Cubans, and have your doubts, take your time to examine the box before purchasing it. Here are a few tips to help you spot the fakes from the real thing.
The most important thing to examine is the box because authentic Cuban cigars will contain a green and white warranty seal on the left front side of the box. The seal will contain an insignia that has a picture of a shield and a hat. On the upper right hand corner of the box, you should find a white sticker that is placed diagonally with the word 'Habanos' printed on it. If the box appears damaged, smudged, frayed, or marked, then avoid it, as the overall appearance of the box should be neat and clean. Don't buy cigars if the box is dull, even if they appear to be the real thing, as their quality may have suffered during transport. Know that if you happen to be in the market for Cohibi, Q'dorsay, or Trinidad brand cigars, be informed that all authentic Cohiba's will contain the green and white warranty seal on the right hand side of the box.
On the the box you should find a heat stamp with the words 'Habanos' and this this should be impressed onto the bottom as people who trade in fake Cuban cigar boxes often find other ways to imprint this label, such as using rubber stamps or paper labels. In authentic Cuban cigar boxes, you will also find a factory coded stamp on the bottom that is stamped in blue, green, or black ink that will tell you exactly when and where the cigars were rolled.
If you are able to open the box, be sure to take the time to smell the tobacco as genuine Cuban cigars have a rich and deep aroma which is unmistakable to the dedicated cigar aficianado. Chances are that you do not have an genuine box of Cubans if the smell is weak, and just doesn't smell right. The cigars should be facing the same way, and the top row may appear slightly flattened. The caps on the cigars should all appear identical, and the foot of each cigar should be cleanly cut. The bands on all the cigars should also be identical, and should be arranged so that they face the same direction. If given permission, feel free to test the cigars out by pressing down on them. Feel along the length of the cigar, and be sure to check for hard or soft spots. The cigars should feel pliable, yet firm.
If you ever have the opportunity to buy a box of supposed Cubans, and have your doubts, take your time to examine the box before purchasing it. Here are a few tips to help you spot the fakes from the real thing.
The most important thing to examine is the box because authentic Cuban cigars will contain a green and white warranty seal on the left front side of the box. The seal will contain an insignia that has a picture of a shield and a hat. On the upper right hand corner of the box, you should find a white sticker that is placed diagonally with the word 'Habanos' printed on it. If the box appears damaged, smudged, frayed, or marked, then avoid it, as the overall appearance of the box should be neat and clean. Don't buy cigars if the box is dull, even if they appear to be the real thing, as their quality may have suffered during transport. Know that if you happen to be in the market for Cohibi, Q'dorsay, or Trinidad brand cigars, be informed that all authentic Cohiba's will contain the green and white warranty seal on the right hand side of the box.
On the the box you should find a heat stamp with the words 'Habanos' and this this should be impressed onto the bottom as people who trade in fake Cuban cigar boxes often find other ways to imprint this label, such as using rubber stamps or paper labels. In authentic Cuban cigar boxes, you will also find a factory coded stamp on the bottom that is stamped in blue, green, or black ink that will tell you exactly when and where the cigars were rolled.
If you are able to open the box, be sure to take the time to smell the tobacco as genuine Cuban cigars have a rich and deep aroma which is unmistakable to the dedicated cigar aficianado. Chances are that you do not have an genuine box of Cubans if the smell is weak, and just doesn't smell right. The cigars should be facing the same way, and the top row may appear slightly flattened. The caps on the cigars should all appear identical, and the foot of each cigar should be cleanly cut. The bands on all the cigars should also be identical, and should be arranged so that they face the same direction. If given permission, feel free to test the cigars out by pressing down on them. Feel along the length of the cigar, and be sure to check for hard or soft spots. The cigars should feel pliable, yet firm.
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Never before has Fake cuban cigars been this quick and easy! Grab all the inside information while there's still time at Fake cuban cigars
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