Now that the requirement for obtaining a mortgage are tighter than ever before, it's vital that you have a good credit score. You can repair your credit after making some financial missteps, but the best thing to do is to keep your credit in good shape from the word go. If you are a new credit account holder or already have along credit history, there are some things which can help you to maintain; or restore good credit.
One of the most important things to know about your credit score is that about 35% of it is based on your payment history. Your credit report goes back seven years; but it is the two most recent years which potential creditors will be most concerned with. How late your payments are makes a big difference. A payment which is 30 days late is not too serious, but one which is more than 90 days late is a big problem. Remember, it's easier to keep your account in good shape than it is to repair it.
The best thing to do is to have different types of accounts and manage them all responsible. You should have a credit card which you keep a very small balance on (or keep paid off every month), along with an installment loan such as a car loan. If possible, you should have a mortgage too. Having several different types of accounts which you are managing well tells creditors that you are a good risk.
You should also avoid applying for any credit which you do not actually need. Opening too many accounts (or even making a large volume of inquiries) will have a negative effect on your credit score. You will also be exposing yourself to the temptation to use these accounts; this can get you into trouble. By only opening accounts you actually need, you can avoid having to use credit restoration.
You should request a copy of your credit report. Look this over carefully and be sure to dispute any item which is inaccurate. You can request that these erroneous items be removed from your report. If there are any small balances outstanding, pay these off.
If you have some larger accounts which need to be paid off, get in touch with the creditor and offer a settlement. Your creditor may be willing to reduce your debt if you are willing to work with them to repay it. While a settlement is still a mark on your credit report, it is a lot better than an outstanding debt.
Even if you play by all the rules, things will happen ? you may still find your credit being damaged due to factors beyond your control. Don't let it get you down. You can repair your credit; just remember that credit restoration can take time. If you keep your eyes on your goal, you will be able to repair your credit.
One of the most important things to know about your credit score is that about 35% of it is based on your payment history. Your credit report goes back seven years; but it is the two most recent years which potential creditors will be most concerned with. How late your payments are makes a big difference. A payment which is 30 days late is not too serious, but one which is more than 90 days late is a big problem. Remember, it's easier to keep your account in good shape than it is to repair it.
The best thing to do is to have different types of accounts and manage them all responsible. You should have a credit card which you keep a very small balance on (or keep paid off every month), along with an installment loan such as a car loan. If possible, you should have a mortgage too. Having several different types of accounts which you are managing well tells creditors that you are a good risk.
You should also avoid applying for any credit which you do not actually need. Opening too many accounts (or even making a large volume of inquiries) will have a negative effect on your credit score. You will also be exposing yourself to the temptation to use these accounts; this can get you into trouble. By only opening accounts you actually need, you can avoid having to use credit restoration.
You should request a copy of your credit report. Look this over carefully and be sure to dispute any item which is inaccurate. You can request that these erroneous items be removed from your report. If there are any small balances outstanding, pay these off.
If you have some larger accounts which need to be paid off, get in touch with the creditor and offer a settlement. Your creditor may be willing to reduce your debt if you are willing to work with them to repay it. While a settlement is still a mark on your credit report, it is a lot better than an outstanding debt.
Even if you play by all the rules, things will happen ? you may still find your credit being damaged due to factors beyond your control. Don't let it get you down. You can repair your credit; just remember that credit restoration can take time. If you keep your eyes on your goal, you will be able to repair your credit.
About the Author:
The secret to credit restoration is having a good education about the topic and knowing your rights. credit repair can be a sticky thing that you should check out before attempting. If your really serious about your credit you may want to consider see an expert.
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