Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Alternative Frac Waters And Canada's GasFrac Firm

By Joshua Cole

Hydraulic fracturing has faced a great deal of criticism. In most cases, the criticism is due to the already existing shortage of clean water on earth. While some companies like GasFrac Canada are now using alternative frac waters, others need to do so. Although, excessive water use is not the only issue, drilling deep into the rock formation of earth has proved to be the cause of man-made earthquakes in different areas including, Texas and Oklahoma.

Regardless of these concerns, GasFrac has made progress by using petroleum based liquids which can be injected into the earth instead of using water based chemical cocktails. In the process, a great deal of risk with regards to water table contamination is eliminated. While this is the case, the issue of man-made seismic activity still needs to be addressed.

Water-free fracking proponents try to support a theory that the process is a solution to water contamination and others related to the process. While this is the case, it is essential to look at the benefits and drawbacks of any new technology or process. With that being said, the benefits of waterless fracking currently appear to outweigh any drawbacks.

An answer might be found in the way in which traditional fracking works. For, while different liquids, the process is basically the same. One other difference is that waterless fracking starts by drilling a well while traditional fracking operations dig deep into the bottom of existing wells to acquire natural oil and gas. Whereas, once a new well has been drilled, the well is drilled horizontally.

Once the well is complete, the hole is injected with the proppant carrier which fractures the formation of the base rock allowing oil or gas to escape and reach the surface. While Canadian GasFrac uses liquid propane as a carrier, there are additional alternatives to water which have been proposed by others. In most cases, all alternatives are more expensive than water though GasFrac claims that there are numerous benefits in using propane.

Benefits of using propane as a substitute include, more efficient operations, the reversal of liquid to a gas form and the oil and gas flowing more freely back to the surface. Whereas, while water can often become trapped and create blockages, being that propane is a gas, this is not the case.

Water-free fracking also helps to prevent pollutants from escaping to the surface. For, when a liquid version of propane vaporizes, the pollutants are left in the well. Whereas, operations which use water tend to carry these pollutants back to the surface, including chemicals used in the process and heavy metals which are a natural aspect of the rock formations which have been disturbed.

One of the biggest benefits in using liquid propane is that once used, the substance can be recycled or sold for profit. Whereas, when companies consider the cost associated with disposing polluted frac water, waterless fracking can often be a better option. While the benefits of water-free fracking have the potential to save valuable resources, the process is also much cleaner, safer and a better operation for all involved.

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