Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Methods Used In Production Data Analysis

By Margaret Scott

In todays life data has come to be associated with everything and whenever large volumes of multiple sources and several frequency information need to be handled or classifying and coordinating events is required, then Production Data Analysis comes in handy. This analysis is also used in handing out appropriate creation rates to the concerned event. Below article will describe the importance of figures analysis.

Analysis can be separated into two and that is the estimation of reservoir properties from transient flow data and the estimation of reservoir volume from boundary-dominated flow information. It is important to note that legacy creation information may not contain the quality nor the frequency sufficient to produce competent estimates of reservoir properties. When dataset is complete then it is of good quality.

Accurate and frequent estimates of rate and pressure information are considered to be a necessity. If the flow rate suddenly increases or decreases, then the pressure should decrease and increase respectively if not then the flow rate and pressure information are inconsistent or uncorrelated. This could mean that flow is taking a different path, flow pressure is measured in the wrong direction or a liquid is loading.

If the tubing and casing pressure separate it could be due to liquid load-up or a leak in the tubes. Scatter in creation rates and flowing pressures could mean unstable flow. Flowing pressure with large-duration step changes indicate infrequent measurements thus comparison with flowrate information is crucial to ensure that the pressure information are competent. Deconvolution issue works around poor quality of information.

There is the fuzzy pattern recognition which when its study of every well is completed results get merged to determine the specific pattern that is in that particular area. This is important as it helps to understand all the aspects of an area like the sweet spots, wells not performing well and have information about all the wells. It begins by plotting the rate of creation.

This technique also has challenges facing it like it could be hard at times to reach to accurate estimate rates and pressure figures which are a necessity in this case. This becomes a challenge when flow rates fluctuate or depreciate suddenly causing pressure records to also fluctuate or depreciate and at the end result one is left dealing with figures that is inconsistent and not related.

Production statistics investigation should be considered as a reliable investigation technique even after the downs within it have been considered as it is one of the few techniques that can comfortably analyze figures from mature fields that are a challenge to deal with. It also uses methods that provide means for mapping reservoir quality throughout the field using creation figures results.

The well completion history is an essential element of the examination process and must always be taken into account particularly for cases of recompletions, well simulations and major workovers. Production and reservoir engineering principles could clash during well simulation. Thus, performing well simulation very early in the completion history will minimize change in reservoir model.

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