Saturday, November 15, 2014

Finding Georgia Police Records

By Claire Dowell

Law Enforcement plays a major role in a community as it oversees the safety and security of the populace. Police officers work tirelessly so that we can sleep soundly at night, and live our lives without constantly looking behind our backs. The prompt and accurate documentation of whatever incidents that occurred within their area of responsibility is one of their most important tasks.

Police officers construct police reports after the occurrence of any crime or accident within their area of responsibility. Once the scene has been secured and cleared, the law enforcer constructs a full report from the observations, witness accounts, and photo or video evidences taken from the said scene. A full police report usually comprises of the names of the persons involved, be it the victims or the witnesses, their statements, the classification of the infraction, the detailed facts of the scene, the probable cause, and the incident number.

The primary purpose of police reports is to determine the fate of the incident, that if whether or not a charge will be filed. Should a charge is pressed upon a defendant, a copy of the police report is handed out to the criminal defense attorneys to aid them in the construction of a defense, after they have grasped a full understanding of the said incident. A police report is never used as evidence against the person charged with a crime. However, they can aid police officers in recalling the details of the scene, should they be summoned to the court proceeding. Other notable uses for police reports include their presentation before automobile and homeowner insurance companies for incidents such as accidents or theft.

In the State of Georgia, police reports are open to public procurement after the closure of the investigation for that particular incident. Information such as witnesses' and police officer's names will be blocked in order to protect their identities, as well as identifying information such as Social Security Numbers. Copies of Georgia police reports can be obtained from the county police department that handled the incident.

Procurement procedures for police reports vary from county to county. In order to get your hands on a police report of an incident that occurred at a particular county, contact the local Law Enforcement office that handled the report and determine what identifying requirements to bring, their office hours, and directions to their location. These pieces of information are also available in their official websites. Once these details are determined, set an appointment with the concerned police office, present your identifying requirements, and pay their imposed processing and copy fees. Also provide your contact and mailing information to the concerned office if you cannot obtain your requested report via pick-up. The processing of requests is again dependent per county police office policy.

It has been a well-known fact in the 21st century that the Internet has brought an endless experience of convenience to all who have witnessed and utilized its power. Seeing this as a good vessel for providing services such as the retrieval of public documents, various government and private-owned repositories have developed online resources in which anyone can access. Because such methods can provide you with fast, accurate and updated results just by after performing a quick search in the database of these service providers, the endeavor of searching for public records online has become a rather popular activity done over the Internet.

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