Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Careers You Select If You Are A Woman

By George Dodson

Society has changed a lot since the 1950s, and earlier. Gone are the days that the role of women was to get married and have children. With the hard economic times, women have to go out and make a living. This is the current state of affairs where both men and women have to take up the duty of keeping up the household.

This is far from saying that there are a number of women who can be at home and take care of the house and the kids. It's obvious that women are just as good as men when it comes to many jobs. So you can often find women in almost any sector of the economy. What are the best paying jobs for women?

Probably, the number one paying job for women is pharmacist. Women in the is career typically take home almost $2k per week. Women make up more than half of all pharmacists and compete with the men.

This is due to the fact that many women are receiving the education that this better paying jobs need. For both women and men, getting a college education means making more money over time.

You might be made to think that women doctors follow pharmacists as the second high paying jobs. This is not the case. The reason for this, is that physician are faced with a wider range of specialties. It seems that women prefer lower paying specialties as physicians. This includes taking such specialties such as pediatrics.

Women in the legal profession follow pharmacists in taking home the biggest salaries. Here, women go hand in hand in competing for the jobs with their male counterparts. The requirements for this job are the same for both men and women.

Women Information system managers come third in the best paid occupations for women. This is not surprising, since the computer industry has such a high demand that men and women, they don't care your sex..

There are several other fields that follow this category of high paying jobs for women.

Women make up the majority of psychologist and physical therapists, plus occupational therapists and medical and health service managers. They take home an average $60K each year.

The teaching profession is another high earner for women. Back in 2012, women made almost $60k if they were working as foreign language and literature teachers. Law teachers got to take home about $94,000 a year.

Company heads who are women rank high with the best salaries with the average taking home over $150,000 each year.

Women are more concerned than men in terms of their career choice and societal impact. For this reason, they gravitate toward being clergy members. This requires that they have good skills when it comes to personal and being able to articulate themselves. In this area, they can do better and look to it as a contributing factor to driving the society.

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