Friday, April 18, 2014

Oil And Gas Investor Taking Chances On Salt Domes

By Essie Osborn

To conserve energy is the most powerful advocacy that a human being can fight for. Humans have used natural resources to power industries and give life to their homes. The planet is, however dying. These gases have really bad effects on the environment. Oil and gas investor Brookshire Salt Dome is finding alternatives to find gas and oil source.

A dome is formed when minerals like salt or halite, intrudes vertically into surrounding rock layers. Domes are important in discovering gas and oil sources. This is because saline sediments are impermeable, and leads to formation of reservoirs. Domes can be five miles wide and four miles deep.

Texas is in full swing right now for gas explorations. Capitalists and investors are using this opportunity to be able to gather petroleum gases in the newly started Brookshire Salt Domes Field. The abundance of salt top fields in the area is the main player why this discovery is possible. Once petroleum is gathered in these reservoirs, it will be converted to fossil fuel energy.

Petroleum is used for fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is being used in industrial power plants that create electricity and energy for homes and buildings. Burning of fossil energy is releasing carbon dioxide, which is harmful to the environment. People, however have no other options, since most of their natural sources are not renewable.

The discovery of salt domes had been, so far, beneficial to the natural gas industry. A single dome can have smaller reservoirs around its perimeter that varies on depths and location. Mineral gases are stored in the basin of these domes. It has also been found, that not only gases, sodium chloride and other minerals are stored in the dome. Even harmful chemicals, or waste hazards can be contained in the impermeable dome.

Black gold exploration in Texas started way back in 1866, when mineral seeps were discovered as a result of drilling for water. Back then, saline domes were not focal points in oil exploration due to numerous unexploited seeps. Tools were then used by explorers to speed up the process of exploring possible petroleum reservoirs. The data and location of reservoirs were easily discovered with the help of analytical tools.

Capitalists in the area have so far benefited at least ten million barrels of petroleums yielded from the Brookshire Salt Dome. This may be a step higher than most exploring teams have gone so far in other salt domes in the world. It can power several power plants with this amount of petroleum gathered. Sad to say, this has several negative effects on our surroundings.

To convert gas to power, it is burned first. Water is then heated to create steam. Steam power turbines, and turbines power the generators. And the outcome is electrical power. The whole process is toxic to Mother Earth. And energy sources are day by day consumed, but not renewed.

Daily consumption of fossil energy for the past years have multiplied twice. But our gas sources are slowly dying. People in turn are wasting energy which are not renewable. To help save energy and the planet, people should instead learn how to conserve. Try to think of ways to minimize electricity consumption. Turn off appliances that are not in use. Be a responsible steward of the planet. It has provided you all the things you need. The least you can do is take care of the planet and its resources.

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