Sunday, February 9, 2014

5 Myths About College

By Franklin Skribbit

Selecting a college major is a study in balance. You want to pursue something that you enjoy, but you also want to make sure that upon graduation, you will be able to secure a decent job. Most students change majors at least once during their college career, and it can be difficult to nail down an area of study that will serve your need for fulfillment and give you the income you need to support yourself and your family. The following are four areas of study that may lead to some level of job security as the markets are growing or will never disappear. Keep in mind that these are broad topics and most majors can be tailored within the field to match your specific interests.

Well, like with most things, it will take a little getting used to and a lot of hard work. First and foremost, however, it is important for all students, whether they are pursuing their accounting degree or a degree in graphic arts, to know that with improved concentration will come improved performance in school and in future careers.

1. The "Freshman 15" This myth may have held more truth a couple of decades ago when high fat, carb loaded, super processed foods were the main dish on every dining plan.

These days the emphasis on healthy, nutritious food means that even your dining plan has the variety that you need to eat right. Many schools also provide gym discounts or give students free access to exercise equipment and facilities.

Improving focus in the short term or with quick results starts with the simple step of acknowledging the problem. Once a person acknowledges that they have a hard time staying focused on task then they can begin taking steps to correct the issue.

Computer Arts and Sciences

4. Good grades mean non-stop studying and no social life. This is one of the biggest and most overwhelming myths out there. College is hard because you are learning to manage your own life for the first time, but with a little time management, consistency, and dedication, you can get good grades, minimize study time, and enjoy a full social calendar. Creating dedicated time and space for studying every day allows you to prepare for tests instead of cram and pace yourself without being overwhelmed.


While the suggestion above, a many, many, others like it, may help to rein in a person's focus in the short term, there are tired and proven tactics that will help a person to get a hold of their focus in the long run. Some of the best ways to improve long term focus in the individual is to boost cardio exercise, stay hydrated, and get adequate amounts of sleep.

Your options as a student are not limited to these, but you may want to consider finding an area of study that is part of a sustainable market. Whether you choose to get a nursing education in San Diego, or would rather pursue a Graphic Arts degree, it is important that you choose something that interests you and has the potential to make you happy in the long term.

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