Thursday, January 16, 2014

Finding Vintage Signs For Sale

By Judy Sullivan

If you are interested in finding vintage signs for sale you may know that some are authentic and were created before the end of WWII and others came after the war. Many are being created today and made to look as though they were made seventy years ago. The reproductions are nearly as popular as the originals and are far less costly. Most reproductions are made to resemble the originals as closely as possible and then are aged with rust and nail holes in the corners.

The twenty four gage steel signs are very rare today because after WWII ended they were too expensive to make and the advertising companies used tin in its place. They continued to use enamel paints for enhanced color performance. The tin examples are easier to find than their predecessors because more were produced and displayed after the war ended.

The companies that create the reproductions artificially age them so that they appear to be older than they are. This is accomplished by letting the pieces rust and then punching holes in the corners to facilitate hanging on the wall. Many collectors use these items for decorating the walls in their dens or garages. Cars and automotive related items are some of your most sought out items by collectors.

Vintage signs can be made of nearly anything that can be written on or displayed. There are examples in glass, neon, wood and metal. The artistry that is demonstrated in many of the different motifs can be amazing. The pallets that were used included push plates for doors and hangings for walls made of glass or metal.

By far the most popular type of collectible sign is metal. It does not matter if it is a reproduction or an original to many collectors. Over the years metal sign advertising has diminished in popularity amid the barrage of other options available but their charm and artistry never fail to remind us of days gone by.

There are many places to look for the sign you want. Some suggestions might be a flea market, a thrift store or one of many yard sales that happen all over the city every weekend. The occasion of finding something may be few and far between but perhaps what you do find will be special.

When driving around the country side stopping at the little country stores can be a good thing. Many of these stores have buildings with signage nailed to the sides or items that they simply have not removed from the walls inside the store. Asking about whether or not the pieces are for sale may get it for a very reasonable price.

There are many ways to find and collect vintage signs for sale. You can collect items of a specific brand name or car advertising or you can collect whatever catches your eye at a given time. You cannot do it incorrectly and need only remember the space you have to fill and the budget you have to work with.

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