Tuesday, May 7, 2013

James Malinchak's Five Secrets To Financial Freedom Article 5 of 15

By Liam Martin

If you do not have a vision board, you need to make one. Simply take a piece of corkboard and tape photos that represent what you want to achieve on the board. Then tape up a few key phrases or sayings that you can repeat several times a day. If you want more money, then tape up a saying like I have, "Money comes easily and frequently to me." If you want to have a fabulous family, then your vision board could say, "My family is happy and healthy, and my kids are safe." Then put your vision board somewhere you will see it every day, like in your office or bathroom. It is a simple way to program your subconscious for success.

Have you ever woken up in the morning to the radio, and the song that was playing gets stuck in your head the whole day? Even if it's a song you don't like, you just cannot stop humming it, right? If something as meaningless as a song can stay with you all day long, then imagine how powerful it'd be to start your morning off by repeating prosperity sayings to yourself. Then those are the things that is going to stay with you all day.

You could build a house on a solid foundation or on shifting sand. It is all up to you and the mindset you choose. When you choose the solid foundation, it shifts your paradigm and creates a perspective that allows you to look through a different set of eyes. That is when you start to think with a prosperity-conscious mindset instead of a poverty-conscious mindset.

Believe That It's Possible

If you are ready to become financially free, then you are ready for the five keys. The five keys were created to help anyone begin to think with a prosperity-conscious mindset. If you master each of these keys, then it does not matter how much debt you have today. It does not matter how much money you make right now. It does not matter if you just got fired. Also, it does not matter if everyone says you cannot do it. Stay focused on these five keys and you will become financially free.

Whatever you want to accomplish, the first key is you have to believe that it is possible. You have to believe it can happen for you. Then, you have to get rid of the excuses. There are only two things you can have: Excuses or solutions. Most people have excuses. In fact, people can come up with some pretty darn good excuses why they cannot or will not achieve something. Whatever those excuses are, they are exactly right. They've convinced themselves that those excuses will stand in the way-and so they will. If you are always focusing on the excuse why you cannot, then you will never find the solution for how you can. Focus on the solutions instead by asking yourself questions like:

What do I have to do to attract wealth?

What do I need to do to pay off the credit cards?

What do I need to do to get it done?

You were programmed early to believe that some things aren't possible. You're programmed to believe that great things can never happen for you. Then, you begin to believe this programming because you say it aloud. "It can't happen for me because of where I grew up." "It can't happen for me because nobody in my family is wealthy." "It can't happen for me because my friends aren't wealthy." "It can't happen for me because I live in a small town."

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