Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Create Your Own Security And Explore Second Income Ideas

By Eric Henderson

I'm going to be brutally honest with you here: if you're working for someone else, you MUST explore second income ideas. If you think that the company you work for is loyal to you like you are to them, than you are out of your mind. Because they're just not.

Cubicles have become a commodity today. If you are stuck in a cubicle right now, you have the target on your back, and the CEO is looking to cut you out.

Now you're probably just thinking, "Ok, so I'll just wait until they fire me and collect unemployment - simple!"

But the problem with that is that unemployment isn't enough to pay the bills. And sure - stay at the job and wait it out, but why not look for a way to make more money and replace your income before they fire you?

Start to look for what your alternatives are.

If you want to try to stay at your job, start networking and finding a path to get promoted.

A great option specific to second income ideas is to start your own business on the side.

Become an expert at services you can provide other small companies or small businesses.

There are actually tons of ways to start a business and become an entrepreneur.

In today's economy with the internet and internet marketing, your options are endless. There is opportunity everywhere - and you have to think with mindset of abundance. If you think you're not an entrepreneur, or you're too old, or you're too busy - you're right. But if you aren't looking for second income ideas, and you get fired, you're going to be left with no options.

Listen up - We are moving to an employee-less society. Temp staffing is just sweeping the nation like a fad or a trend.

So why should we be focusing on second income ideas today?

Because any financial advisor will tell you that the most dangerous number in any long-term financial plan is "one". In this new economy, you just have to create security for yourself in other ways than just a single stream of income job. This is so important - and I'm a huge proponent of this.

Please understand, I am not saying to just quit your job tomorrow and try and figure it all out. But I am saying that you must start preparing for the changes that are coming - and that are already here. This is about taking baby steps to figure out a new path and solution for you.

I'm sure you've thought about doing things in the past on your own as a business - something you love to do, or that you were really good at. THIS is what I'm talking about when I talk about second income ideas.

But there is really good news in all of this. Your future and your security really IS in your control. This shift in how corporations are handling employees is more of a correction - and your life is no longer in someone else's hands, as long as you don't let it be.

If you are relying on ONE person - let's call them a boss - to make or break your day, your month or your life, you are in trouble. Because that boss is not on your side. They are trying to get rid of you. I know this may sound harsh my friend, but this is the truth.

The way we earn money in this economy is changing every day. We're becoming more self-reliant, and pretty soon people will be compensated in direct proportion to their contribution to the world at large. This is actually really exciting!

In this way, you're career can be what you love to do, what you're passionate about, and what you're good at. And most likely by doing that you'll be making a lot more than you are right now.

Just think about what options you want to pursue in regards to all your second income ideas and opportunities

So to tie it all together, to be happy and secure today, my advice is to:

1. Start a business on your own.

2. Develop alternative sources of income by coming up with second income ideas.

3. If you like your job, make sure you're setting yourself up for promotions by networking with the right people.

If you're just sitting on the sidelines, you're just a commodity and eventually they'll just let you go. But if you've gotten started on your second income ideas, you'll be more secure in the long run.

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