Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some Handy Tips On Looking For Environmental Jobs

By Douglas Rathbone

As industry as a whole looks to make itself more environmentally friendly, there are a growing number of environmental jobs available. As in any other sector of the economy though, it still takes time and patience to make sure you land the right job. With a few basic steps, you can increase your chances of landing that dream gig.

The key to finding any job, of course, is persistence and patience. Like any other sector of the jobs market, the green sector's best jobs are always in high demand, so it requires a degree of dedication to make sure that you land one. Be prepared to send off many CVs and applications to employers, and make yourself proactive too.

In order to make things happen for you on the jobs front, you need to make sure that your experience is relevant and up to date. If there are gaps in your work experience, then you should be looking at ways to improve it. Write to companies in the sector and investigate what possibilities exist for internships and work experience placements, and take any opportunities that come your way.

Staying informed about developments and new ideas and concepts in your sector is also important if you want to stand out from the competition. Reading professional journals and relevant websites, as well as the mainstream media, will help in this regard. This kind of research will help with writing letters of application, as well as with interviews.

Networking is also important when it comes to finding the right job. Never neglect social media on the internet, as this can introduce you to more of the right people than you might realise. It is also a good idea to attend as many events and conferences relating to your sector as you can, you never know who you might meet, and the knowledge you gain will be useful in interviews.

You should also keep your qualifications up to date and in line with developments in the sector. If you are already working in another job, then look for chances to train through work. You can also take courses at local colleges in the evenings or at weekends.

Environmental jobs can be difficult to find, but that does not mean that you should give up. Keep yourself well informed, make sure that your qualifications are up to date and that people know you, and it will be more straightforward. Be patient and persistent, and you will be successful in your search.

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