Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Looking at School as an Investment in the Future

By Franklin Skribbit

A lot of businesses swear by social networking, more particularly in the power of Twitter. Employees paid a good wage are given the express assignment to post tweets-and possible update the Facebook account.

Indeed, the responsibilities that we have with work and family and other commitments can make it so that college might seem superfluous in the moment. Those who are a bit older may view the experience as being unattainable due to atrophy of their academic skills, or possibly just out of reach.

For the purpose of this article, you are asked to examine the following request: Please write a press release for a Company A's new set of AA batteries. They perform longer than any other AA battery on the market and are experiencing their grand opening on the third of next month.

That being said, it must be sated that college is an investment that is made in order to gain a better life. There are many benefits to having a degree which stand to open up a lot more doors than people might expect.

In one instance, a distressed dog owner tweeted that he was on vacation and his dog needed a doctor immediately, only he didn't know where to go for a good doctor open late. One of the hotel's employees got this tweet, found a local hospital that was still open and tweeted back to the distressed owner.

They offer you the news in fact form and leave out much of the fluff. This means that it starts out with the title of the news: in this case you would write something to the effect of "Company A Found the Secret to Efficiency in AA Batteries." Next, you list the simple "Who, what, where, and when." Briefly describe who the company is and how customers would know them, what it is, where they will be released to, and when customers can expect to see them there. This "what" is not meant to go into full detail about the product. That information will be provided in the paragraphs that follow. This "what" is meant to make the promise you received in the instructions, "Company A is announcing the release of more efficient AA batteries that will outlast all others." Then move on.

School defiantly falls under this definition, since it is a commitment of time and money to attaining something which will pay off at a later time. Those who are worried about the financial aspect of the process can rest easier knowing that there are financial aid options in the form of loans and grants that ease the pressure and make attendance possible.

These details will have to be provided by the company, but they should be easily attainable. Site statistics that are relevant and useful for the general public. If there is a bit of jargon that has to be included, explain what it means briefly and move on. Remember all the while that the purpose of a press release is to give the press the news as abbreviated as possible. Don't use three words when you can get away with just two. They're looking for a catching headline with real facts behind it, not a fluffed up marketing email.

People that fall in love with the author's style of writing or a particular series will have everything to do with that author in the future. Lovers of Harry Potter will read and talk about J.K. Rowling's new book just because she did a great job with her 7 book series. Sparking up a conversation on Twitter about that is easy, especially when you solicit giving away a free copy of the book. Even if you simply rebind books, you can find just as good of a niche talking about a well-known author as a publisher could.

Twitter has great potential for businesses. That's why so many of them have created and update twitter accounts. They hire people with a social media background to run their campaigns. You can learn the finer points of using twitter with a Social Media Technology emphasis through online colleges like Stevens Henager. Getting a degree will create opportunities for you to get involved in Twitter marketing. The best thing is, you can start at any time.

You can figure out what your audience wants by spending the time to get to know them a little bit better. Stevens Henager College offers you the opportunity to learn to be a better copywriter. They offer courses to give you the copywriting education you need to become a professional in the field. Find out how they can help you further you copywriting education and improve your writing today.

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