Sunday, November 11, 2012

How To Improve Your Visalus Profits

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Visalus network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn how 7-figure earners build huge businesses using tactics rarely taught at live events and on Visalus webinars.

If you seek to become a top earner, you must go well beyond your circle of friends and family.

You MUST learn to market!

Here are 3 strategies 7-figure income earners use to build network marketing empires today:

- Be An Extremely Prolific Marketer

You can earn more than others in Visalus by simply being a more prolific marketer. The quality of your business skills will have some effect on your results.

But you should know the amount of your execution matters as much as, or more than, how skillfully you complete each endeavor. Promoting far more than others in your niche means attracting more website visitors and attracting a larger number of leads on a daily basis than your competitors.

If you use videos and articles to generate traffic and leads for your business, then publish more articles and videos than everybody else. If you're advertising, then you should put up more ads, in more venues, than everyone else promoting Visalus.

If webinars are part of your business model, then do one or more webinars each and every week. Don't do just one webinar every month. Promoting more than your competitors do means that you email your list helpful strategies (and a call to take action!) to your list of leads every single day. Not every once in a while. Every single day!

Create an advantage by just doing more webinars, placing more ads, and creating more marketing content than others in Visalus. If you generate more website traffic, create more leads, and conduct more webinars than others in your niche, you'll almost definitely generate more income than your Visalus competition.

- Construct A List And Sell To It

There's two basic ways to market your Visalus business on the Internet profitably:

- Attract a list of leads

We're not talking about a list of family and friends you already know. The list that matters the most is the list of prospects you generate through online marketing. Merely tossing some videos up on Youtube or on Facebook will not create Visalus leads effectively. Leads only buy from those they know, like and trust, so it's vital you establish this trust..

The key to list-building is positioning yourself as a trusted authority that can assist people to grow their businesses. Building a list means you have a website to which you drive visitors who enter their contact information in order to receive free training content.

- Establish a relationship with and sell to this list

Keep the lines of communication with your prospects open, so you can promote things that they require in their business. A lot of marketers miss this step, but it's critical. Cultivating relationships is what separates the earners from those that never profit. Create and promote valuable content every day. End each tip, blog post, email and video with a call to action to make a purchase.

- Market With A Pre-Built Funnel System

Trying to promote Visalus directly on Facebook, Twitter and other sites will not work. Strangers on the Internet could care less about your business. Nothing's going to happen until your prospect feels they know, like and trust you.

Use a marketing funnel system to promote Visalus online. A funnel is a graduated, step-by-step process from lead generation to rapport-building and selling.

Your ideal prospects are network marketers in other companies struggling to increase their income. A sales funnel consists of a few elements:

1) Marketing: Articles, videos, Facebook ads or other content that compels people to visit your website. Your web content should teach network marketers how to solve their biggest business problems. This sort of content portrays you as an expert.

2) Lead Opt-In Form: A place on your website where visitors can download a free educational report in exchange for their contact information.

3) Email Newsletter: An email sent daily with tactics and methods to increase network marketing revenue Some emails should promote affiliate products. How-to guides, live events and systems for networkers are good products to promote.

4) Rapport-Building Events: Live webinars, consultations and meetings help prospects feel they know, like and trust you.

5) Promoting Visalus: Once you've built rapport and screened whether the prospect is a potential fit, you can direct prospects to a presentation for Visalus. The simplest strategy is to use a plug and play marketing funnel with the presentations, emails and websites already created for you.

unnel with the presentations, emails and websites already created for you.

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