For many people, when it comes time to get car insurance, they go find what they think is the best deal, sign up and then forget about it until they need to file a claim. This way may work for some, but in the end you'll likely end up paying more than you need to. Your insurance policy isn't written in stone, and it's wise to review it from time to time to see if there aren't areas where you can realize some savings.
The best time to review your car insurance policy is near the end of the term. Many car insurance companies will renew your policy automatically for you, but if you haven't read over the details and reviewed it carefully, you may be throwing money out the window. When you first sign on for car insurance, if you have an option to have it renewed automatically, don't take that option. Take the time to look it over when the time comes to see if any changes need to be made.
The declaration page of your car insurance policy is the page where it states who is covered under the policy and the financial limits of your coverage. That is a good place to start. If you need to add or remove drivers from your policy, or need more or less coverage, make a note of it and continue reading. This page may also include information about what discounts you currently have, and what discounts you may be eligible to have. If you feel you're entitled to a discount that you aren't currently getting, make a note and talk to your car insurance agent about it. Once you have gone through this page and made the necessary notes, move onto the next step.
Next, you'll want to review the car insurance coverage you have and determine whether you need changes made to that. Depending on where you live, you may have a mandatory coverage section, an optional section, or some variation of the two. Read over how much you're covered for all different types of scenarios, and what your deductible is for repairs. Some of the different situations included in your coverage section will be collision, lease or rentals, comprehensive coverage, theft, vandalism, towing and property damage. Sometimes, you can end up saving quite a bit over the course of the year on car insurance if you increase your deductible. Make a note of what yours is and ask your agent about it when you talk to him or her.
If you didn't see information about your discounts on the declarations page, there will be a list somewhere else in the policy. Some common discounts that drivers get are for good driving records, student discounts, safety features on the car, living in a small town or having a more than one policy. Look closely to determine if your situation has changed in any areas that would qualify you for a discount where you didn't before. Once you've gone through the auto insurance policy and made all your notes, schedule an appointment with your agent and have the necessary changes made in your policy.
The best time to review your car insurance policy is near the end of the term. Many car insurance companies will renew your policy automatically for you, but if you haven't read over the details and reviewed it carefully, you may be throwing money out the window. When you first sign on for car insurance, if you have an option to have it renewed automatically, don't take that option. Take the time to look it over when the time comes to see if any changes need to be made.
The declaration page of your car insurance policy is the page where it states who is covered under the policy and the financial limits of your coverage. That is a good place to start. If you need to add or remove drivers from your policy, or need more or less coverage, make a note of it and continue reading. This page may also include information about what discounts you currently have, and what discounts you may be eligible to have. If you feel you're entitled to a discount that you aren't currently getting, make a note and talk to your car insurance agent about it. Once you have gone through this page and made the necessary notes, move onto the next step.
Next, you'll want to review the car insurance coverage you have and determine whether you need changes made to that. Depending on where you live, you may have a mandatory coverage section, an optional section, or some variation of the two. Read over how much you're covered for all different types of scenarios, and what your deductible is for repairs. Some of the different situations included in your coverage section will be collision, lease or rentals, comprehensive coverage, theft, vandalism, towing and property damage. Sometimes, you can end up saving quite a bit over the course of the year on car insurance if you increase your deductible. Make a note of what yours is and ask your agent about it when you talk to him or her.
If you didn't see information about your discounts on the declarations page, there will be a list somewhere else in the policy. Some common discounts that drivers get are for good driving records, student discounts, safety features on the car, living in a small town or having a more than one policy. Look closely to determine if your situation has changed in any areas that would qualify you for a discount where you didn't before. Once you've gone through the auto insurance policy and made all your notes, schedule an appointment with your agent and have the necessary changes made in your policy.
About the Author:
With years of experience and a good driving record, why pay more for car insurance when you have earned the right to pay less.
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