Thursday, October 20, 2011

Retire Wealthy, Retire Rich, Retire Happy

By Sharon Stenning

Everyone dreams of being able to retire wealthy. The ability to sit back and relax as you spend the rest of your life in comparative financial ease is the dream of most. Very few people do not hope that they can escape the rat race ahead of the pack, and spend their retirement rich and happy. The peace of mind which can be achieved by knowing that someone need not worry about financial difficulties ever again is vastly underrated by many.

Too many retirees are forced back into work after they swore to leave the working sector because of problems paying bills. As people become older, their cost of living increase. Elderly people feel the cold more, so they need to turn up their heating systems. They are unable to walk as far, so they spend more on buses, subways, taxis and car journeys. The social calendar of the old is often envied by the young - but all these things cost.

The everyday hobbies which many people happily take up on their retirement become a financial burden too. The cost of a set of golf clubs can take an enormous chunk out of a retirees budget. Even something as simple as knitting requires buying balls of yarn and knitting needles.

So many people have thought themselves free from the world of work. The amount they had saved would see them through. But as their bank balance dwindled, reality caught up with them. Making solid, watertight plans for retirement have never been more necessary.

Without these smart and thorough plans, the ability to spend one's twilight years happy and content could rapidly disappear in a puff of smoke. Luckily, help is at hand. The internationally renowned trainer, speaker, author and chartered accountant called Bibi Apampa has helped numerous retirees achieve good health, happiness and financial security as they transition into retirement.

Apampa does so by educating people in the ways to store and save money. This way, they can follow easy plans to make sure their retired years are spent happily and healthily. She gives an easy path to happiness: keeping rich, wise and healthy.

The accountant's skill lets her keep tracks of people's finances in a way many people could not. The ability to know how to work the system to an advantage is often overlooked but is vitally important. The pennies count when talking about a retirement fund.

They can go out to lunches every day and spend all their mornings on the golf course. Afternoon jaunts to country clubs and famous monuments are easy to do and within the financial reach of those who are retired. People forgo their happiness in the face of earning a living wage for all their life. Retirement should be the chance to splurge.

People can retire wealthy thanks to this plan. They can be rich, happy and healthy in their twilight years. It is after all only just the beginning.

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