Sunday, May 22, 2011

Make Your Way To The Pinnacle With Executive Coaching

By Tom Doerr

Many people have never heard of executive coaching and fewer still understand why it is important. When we read about business titans like Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates and Sam Walton, we usually think of self-made men. They made it big on their own with no help.

The problem in thinking about Croc, Gates, Winfrey and other leaders as successes is that we see them at the top of their game, not as they started. Consider that these people all started with an idea, smarts and drive and possibly nothing else at all. They made mistakes along the way and learned from them. And a big part of their success probably has to do with the advice and mentoring of others. In other words, they had coaches.

All leaders have strengths and weaknesses. Many people hold the opinion that strengths should be displayed and weaknesses hidden. That is not a recipe for success. An executive coach can help assess your strengths and weaknesses and make both stronger through carrying out an effective training plan.

Swimmer Michael Phelps holds the record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympics, a total of eight won in 2008. Michael Phelps did not make it to the top in swimming on his own. Certainly he had loads of innate talent, but coaching, excellent coaching, showed him and led him on the route to the top of his game. Coaches are important in sports, and they are vital in business, too.

Great leaders must be able to motivate anyone at any time for any situation at hand. This is called situational leadership. The following are but a few areas that a coach can help with interpersonal communication, organizational effectiveness, dealing with conflict, team building, and strategic thinking.

The modern business world is fraught with competition. Businesses are thriving, just getting by, or dying based on the decisions made by their leaders. Business Coaching may make the difference between going to the top, or oblivion. Your sure first positive step is to hire an Executive Coach.

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