Sunday, April 3, 2011

Marketing Ideas For Real Estate Agents

By Barry Xysillion

My colleagues in a real estate lead marketing company have been busy doing a lot of different marketing initiatives, and I think I can use their activities to share some fast recommendations on how to get additional real estate listings in a slow market. You may or may not find these recommendations useful. However, I thought it would be appropriate to share.

1) Get a larger commitment by offering a discount contingent on that commitment. These days most clients will ask for a discount. Instead of readily handing it over, use discounts as negotiating points for larger commitments. As an example, if you are negotiating a discount for a commission, offer it in exchange for a bigger commitment for initial expenses. If the client is taking your money on the back end, let them pay up-front for some of the marketing expenses.

2) Find the controversy and comment on it. In short, if there is buzz online from local media, participate in the fray. For example, if you see a politician making commentary on the recent sub-prime disaster, comment on their site and be sure to include backlinks with anchor text. Their site may get a lot of traffic and may even improve you page rank.

3) Get social and use numerous media outlets. If you don't have a YouTube channel, a MySpace page and an account or fan page on Facebook, it is time to jump in. Just to repeat, be where your clients can find you.

4) Be sure to touch each prospect multiple times. A lead management company sent me a promotional flyer and sales video to me detailing their offerings and repeating their promotion today. Their promotion funnel is set up so that every time I respond to one of their communications (call, respond to an email, and click on a promotion) I get one or two additional touches with corresponding calls to action. A real estate agent analog would be presenting to a local business group, getting the contact information for all of the attendees and sending out thank you cards with a referral request. Follow that up with an email reminding them of the specific takeaways of your presentation and an additional offer to do business.

5) Choose a compelling call to action. There is a simple difference between an email signature that says "Barrett Niehus, REALTOR" and a signature that says "Barrett Niehus, REALTOR, Learn how I can save you $10,000." A call to action can do a lot to speed a sale.

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