In order to build an effective marketing strategy, you have to include article marketing within your toolkit. Without it, you will find it harder than you thought to start generating an online income. Article marketing is incredibly powerful when used correctly.
There are many free ways of advertising a product or service online. Be aware that just because these methods are free, they are any less effective than paid methods. Don't disregard these effective marketing methods.
This is how you do it.
Well, you should already have the software - Microsoft Word.
If you research your subject first, you will find out what other people are writing about on a particular subject, so it won't be too difficult to write an article of about 400 words. This is a good figure to aim for when producing your articles.
What do you write about? Well it has to be relevant to the website you are promoting. Choose a specific aspect and write with authority. Keep a check on your word count and don't drift off-subject.
The whole point of writing articles is for them to be read and for you to be credited with their content. So make sure you provide quality and value in your articles. The title should aim to grab the readers attention so that they want to learn more, and the main body should provide them with that information. Don't let your reader walk away without gaining something themselves.
I want to emphasise this point: your article MUST provide quality content. You will eventually publish many articles but quality should never be sacrificed for quantity.
The more articles you write and distribute, the higher your traffic will be. This is easy to do as there are many directories who will accept your articles and distribute them for free. I would recommend as a start. Submit to as many directories as possible to increase your marketing results.
There are many free ways of advertising a product or service online. Be aware that just because these methods are free, they are any less effective than paid methods. Don't disregard these effective marketing methods.
This is how you do it.
Well, you should already have the software - Microsoft Word.
If you research your subject first, you will find out what other people are writing about on a particular subject, so it won't be too difficult to write an article of about 400 words. This is a good figure to aim for when producing your articles.
What do you write about? Well it has to be relevant to the website you are promoting. Choose a specific aspect and write with authority. Keep a check on your word count and don't drift off-subject.
The whole point of writing articles is for them to be read and for you to be credited with their content. So make sure you provide quality and value in your articles. The title should aim to grab the readers attention so that they want to learn more, and the main body should provide them with that information. Don't let your reader walk away without gaining something themselves.
I want to emphasise this point: your article MUST provide quality content. You will eventually publish many articles but quality should never be sacrificed for quantity.
The more articles you write and distribute, the higher your traffic will be. This is easy to do as there are many directories who will accept your articles and distribute them for free. I would recommend as a start. Submit to as many directories as possible to increase your marketing results.
About the Author:
Ed Hodgson is recognised as an authority figure in the internet marketing industry who effectivley uses article marketing to increase traffic to his own websites. As an online marketing mentor, he coaches other people his own system to increase a full-time income online.
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