Sunday, July 5, 2009

What Can I Change About Me To Get My Ex Back?

By Matthew Clarke

Your relationship is falling apart and you have to start searching within yourself to find out why, and what you can do to change it.

For a relationship to break down, there are always two people at fault. You cannot blame your partner anymore than you blame yourself. You must have seen changes in your relationship that were warning signs, but like most people you've probably ignored them. How many times have you heard someone talking about their relationship and they've said, "the situation won't get any better until he/she makes significant changes."

You need to find out if your ex is willing to discuss getting back together or if it's a waste of time. If you both decide to give it a try then you must put your heart and soul into it. Don't be half-hearted. Work out what caused the conflict in the first place and work out ways you can fix it.

Don't take advice from others regarding your situation unless they're a professional. You'll find that everyone has an opinion and wants to give you advice about where it all went wrong, but you need to ignore all that and sort it out between you.

Act as your normal self, showing him how loving and respectful you are, and what he is missing out on by not being with you. If you love and respect yourself, hold your head high, and you will be noticed!

Have you given away your power by making hurtful accusations to each other? If you're really serious about making changes to get your ex back, then the back-stabbing has to stop. Surely in the time you were together, you found some things you liked about each other, and that's why you fell in love. Why not write a list of things you really appreciated your partner for, so that you can concentrate more on the good points?

Don't go back to the same old patterns of your previous life together. If you were previously living together, then maybe you should try living in separate places for a while until you're comfortable with each other again. Try going back to the beginning of your relationship and go out on dates. This will surely rekindle the romance.

Make a commitment to each other. I don't necessarily mean marriage, but a commitment to both head in the same direction, with the same dreams and goals. You'll be amazed at the affect this will have on your renewed relationship.

Getting your ex back after everything's gone wrong needn't be difficult. It just needs both of you to agree to work together.

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