There are a lot of food courses you can take should you be interested in taking up food crafting. Food crafting, even as the name sounds very misleading, is serving food as a way of making income during an arts and crafts festival. Food preparation is a craft in itself, as well as being able to prepare it with much gusto both for you and your customers. There are certain factors that should be understood should you delve in the world of food and food preparation.
One, you should be able to determine your specialty. Firstly, do you even like food preparation? Let me tell you that this craft is not for everyone. You should have the passion of a chef and a business man. Remember, you are not there to only cook and to serve, but you are there to also entertain and to manage your dealings. There's more to just food preparation, is what I would reiterate.
Think of the food you would choose. For one, if it is about food crafting then it should be something that is not as cumbersome and complicated. Like say, chili for example. Unless you are really themed for chili, I wouldn't recommend using chili as a forerunner for food preparation and serving, especially if you're just a beginner. Chili is expensive, is quite hassling to make, another hassle to bring to the site, and a hassle for samplers. It is just plain messy, heavy, and not to mention, gas-inducing.
I would suggest you go with something simple, easy to store and serve, and ergonomic. I'm thinking finger foods, cupcakes or cookies, or anything dry; something easy to hold and eat with one hand. That way, the serving feature would be easier and the people would be more motivated to try out your goodies.
Think about it. If someone served chili on a craft fair, and they're advertising it for purchase (probably a mix or a catering service), would you spend your time hanging around?
One, you should be able to determine your specialty. Firstly, do you even like food preparation? Let me tell you that this craft is not for everyone. You should have the passion of a chef and a business man. Remember, you are not there to only cook and to serve, but you are there to also entertain and to manage your dealings. There's more to just food preparation, is what I would reiterate.
Think of the food you would choose. For one, if it is about food crafting then it should be something that is not as cumbersome and complicated. Like say, chili for example. Unless you are really themed for chili, I wouldn't recommend using chili as a forerunner for food preparation and serving, especially if you're just a beginner. Chili is expensive, is quite hassling to make, another hassle to bring to the site, and a hassle for samplers. It is just plain messy, heavy, and not to mention, gas-inducing.
I would suggest you go with something simple, easy to store and serve, and ergonomic. I'm thinking finger foods, cupcakes or cookies, or anything dry; something easy to hold and eat with one hand. That way, the serving feature would be easier and the people would be more motivated to try out your goodies.
Think about it. If someone served chili on a craft fair, and they're advertising it for purchase (probably a mix or a catering service), would you spend your time hanging around?
About the Author:
Why not have a hand in crafting? Why not make it worth the trip? My Fairs and Festivals. Visit My Fairs and Festivals, and see how you can do with crafts and festivals. It is an opportunity you shouldnt miss!
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