Saturday, December 27, 2008

Getting Health Insurance In Texas With A Pre-existing Condition

By Jordan FeRoss

It can be difficult to get health insurance in Texas if you have a pre-existing condition. In fact, there are some health insurance companies that will not take you if you put that on your insurance application. Or, if you are accepted for health insurance, you will have to pay more because the health insurance company is taking a risk on providing you with health coverage.

But, people with pre-existing conditions can still get the insurance they need. They can choose the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool, or Texas Health Pool, which provides health insurance in Texas to anyone who cannot get it through a traditional carrier. This can be a great resource for anyone with a pre-existing condition.

You should note that with this health insurance alternative, you can be charged up to two times the normal rate of individual health insurance. One, because there are not a lot of resources like this in the state. Second, because the pool knows that there are not a lot of resources that would easily provide insurance coverage to the uninsurable; they have found a niche here. So, they know that since this group of people doesn't have much of a choice for getting health insurance in Texas elsewhere, that they will have to join the pool.

The Texas Health pool insurance coverage is used for inpatient hospital admissions, doctor visits and prescription drugs. In addition to that, this health insurance in Texas will pay for mental illness situations (serious ones); However, one exclusion of this state coverage is the pool will not provide coverage for chemical dependency issues.

The federal government has strict eligibility guidelines for the risk pool. One important distinction is that you must have been rejected for insurance through another health insurance company because of a pre-existing condition before you can join the risk pool for your health insurance in Texas. You will need to provide documentation of this when you apply for the pool.

Dependents of people who are covered with health insurance in Texas by Texas Health Pool may also be eligible for this type of insurance coverage. There are also certain types of medical conditions that will automatically qualify you for coverage in the pool. You will need to provide documentation from a health insurance agency that would prove your inability to get coverage through the traditional insurance companies.

It's important that even though your pre-existing condition may prevent you from getting health insurance in Texas, that there is a way around that. Everyone needs health insurance, if for nothing else than going to the doctor. Not begin able to go to the doctor because of no insurance can be frustrating, to say the least. It's important that the state of Texas has this program designed so that those with pre-existing conditions can be able to get quality care just like those that have the traditional health insurance. The health pool was probably one of the best things that could have happened for the state of Texas as far as health insurance is concerned.

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